Monday, January 09, 2006

20 years of memories

                            A Living Museum in Orange County.

In 1993-1994 I had the opportunity to work with some really dedicated people with vision.  We buildt an brush arbor to make a classroom for middle school students.  We brought in Native American speakers, performers and teachers from the So. Cal. area.  Before this time I was speaking primarily at colleges and with civic organizations.  This opened up a whole new way of thinking and communicating for me and it was to become a lifelong passion.

                   Large scale event in Santa Ana near the foothills.

In October of 1992, I was invited to participate with the City of Santa Ana in their 1st Annual Cultural Diversity Celebration.  This was really a well thought out and well executed event in Southern California and I felt honored to be a part of it. Orange County has a very diverse population and it is growing, this sort of event was needed. Having a panel discussion about issues was thought provoking insightful and productive.

                                 Los Angeles County Event.

In December 1992 this was a huge event and ran for two days.  I was invited to do a cultural presentation on Native American Indian people.  This was a lot of fun and I met numerous organization from all over.  There were several city officials and civic leaders who attended and participated.

   Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California.

In May 1992 I was involved with a group of young people in Huntington Beach, California.  I served on a advisory board whose purpose was to create dialog and understanding between different races. These kids really put their hearts into this project, it was cool to see them work.

Archival Research Training, Washington D.C.

In Feb, 1995 I applied for a competitive grant from the National Museum of the American Indian.  It was selected from over 300 tribal applicants, they picked only 35 participants.  I really enjoyed the training it was designed to assist tribes with finding their resources when they came to Washington D.C.  They were very effective and detailed in their training presentations.  Since then I have worked with two National Park's one in Iowa and one in Nebraska, The Autry Southwest Museum in Los Angeles and Marlands Grand Home in Ponca City Oklahoma.  I am now currently involved with the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center in Sioux City, Iowa on a tribal historic photo display.

Selective Service Draft Board, Region III, State of Oklahoma.

In 1998, I was nominated by the Governor to serve with the Selective Service System as a local board member for the State of Oklahoma.  I was sent to Albuquerque, New Mexico for training and that was a blast, very informative and motivating. This was a presidential appointment and was truly a great honor for me to be able to serve my country again.  Unfortunately a year and half later I became a tribal police officer and that made me ineligible to serve in this capacity. But it was fun and I learned a lot from the experience.

Teaching People to Read

In 1996 I took this training and I think it was one of them most rewarding experiences I ever had.  I enjoyed working with people that wanted to learn how to read.  I was surprised at the range of ages and backgrounds that the people came from.  They were so thankful and appreciative and I made some lifelong friends in the process.

Thank you Glenda.....